When our collection did not exceed about 200 plants, we were able to repot them once a year or every 2 years ; but at present as we have much more than 1000 plants (+ the numerous seedlings grown every year), it is not possible to repot them at that frequency.

We decide to repot our plants in several cases :
• When the plant is too much confined in its original pot (we feel distinctly the roots when we have the container in the hands, or in extreme cases, when a square container becomes round)
• When the produced offsets are too numerous
• When the offsets or the roots grow out of the drainage holes
• When we detect signs of diseases or pests (when there is a sudden abnormal change in the colour of the plant or when a plant is not correctly rooted anymore)
• When a plant doesn’t grow anymore because the soil has become too poor.
• In ‘emergency’ cases (for example it is a plant that was repotted too quickly in a too compact soil mix and loses its roots). It will be treated like an offset.

We usually repot them between spring and autumn, so that they have enough time to stabilise before the resting period (in our area it from October through March). We generally do it out of the flowering period so that they are not perturbed.
The old soil and dead roots are removed ; plants are carefully inspected and cleaned in case of parasites (mealy bugs...).
Bare plants (and some spontaneous offsets that we have separated) are ‘forgotten’ in a shady place for a minimum of 3 to 4 days before being repotted so that the hurt parts can heal.

After repotting, we place them on a partially shaded place. They are watered about 10 days later. After about one more week, they are placed within their groups in bright light and are treated like the other collection plants.